Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Profits on Trade 71,70 & 69: June 4

Both prediction of US market 70 & 71 have given profits by 11 Pm Indian time

Trade 71: As predicted US market has seen mid day correction after rise especially Dow 30. Dow fell to almost flat/negative territory after rising almost 90 points in morning . Thus maximum gain on two dow pust purchased at +22 and +70 is about 92 points or under our rule of taking 50% profits of mini dow= $ 455 while we exit nasdaq put option at almost no profit or loss. As dow fell after reaching our target profit almost continuously till zero level before rising marginally we assume only $ 400 or Rs 16000 could be made. Profit RS 16000

Trade 70: 2 nasdaq call options purchased at +5.64. rose to +35 without breaching Stop Loss hence profit would have been triggered once it came down to+30. A profit of about $ 290 is made or Rs 11600. Profit Rs 11600

Trade 69: On Indian market profit made by buying Puts was Rs 66000/-. Profit RS 66000

Our Trading Fund Performance report will be posted on Friday or Saturday.

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