Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Review: Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on dec 2, 2009

see the Nifty intra day chart for today and the prediction below in
preceding post. No intra day call was given in view of extreme

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Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on dec 2, 2009

Indian stock market likely to peak by afternoon then experience
correction in late afternoon amidst choppiness.
1. Buy in morning particularly if market opens in negative zone
2. sell in afternoon .
Buying and/or selling levels may be indicated here or on twitter after
observing market trend.
we will also be testing a new method to predict if market opens
positive or negative on next trading day. This will be posted as
ongoing experiment for maximum 50 trading days , not to be used for
trading purposes.( to be useful for Buy today ,Sell tommorrow trades
Test prediction 1: Nifty and nifty call options likely to open/trade
in positive zone compared to yesterday closing values in first 10 mts
of trade- with possibility of extreme chopiness
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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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Review: Intra day prediction for US stock market on dec 1, 2009

See the intra day chart and the prediction below including Sell call on twitter.

1. Market peaked in afternoon but Buy call was not relevant.
2.Call to sell in indicated range was marginally profitable though no
significant correction took place- that was predicted

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Intra day prediction for US stock market on dec 1, 2009

US futures indicating a good start( dow futures up 70 points,nasdaq up
17) about 80 mts before trading opens

Prediction: US market after a good start will correct/dip
significantly and temporarily, possibly around mid day and rebound
towards end of day

1. Buy index call options if Us market opens less than 50 point on dow

2. Buy Put options if US index djia reaches 120-150 range or 60-70
points higher than the opening value( whichever is higher).

Sell calls (buy put options targets), if inactivated may be modified
after observing trading in initial hour

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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Review: Intra day prediction for US stock market on Nov 30, 2009

See the intra day chart and predictions for US market for Nov 30
including Sell call on twitter.

a. both buy and sell calsl were in line with observed trend
b. Correction was temporary as indicated
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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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given on mobile site and/or on

Monday, November 30, 2009

Update: Intra day prediction for US stock market on Nov 30, 2009

see the intra day chart so far for US market and predictions below
including on Twitter

1. Call to buy in morning woudl have been profitable-however buy
target was not met.

2. Sell call ( short index) was highly profitable as market fell
nearly 100 points from indicated point

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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Intra day prediction for US stock market on Nov 30, 2009

US market to open in approx 90 mts. dow futures and nasdaq futures
trading down mildly andmay head down on opening

Prediction: US main indices may peak by afternoon and then correct
siginifcantly perhaps temporarily.

1. Buy dow and/or Nasdaq correlated index options . Recommended buying
level for djia between -60-80

2. Index can be shorted once index gains 80-90 DJIA points from
opening values. ( these values may be modified after observing US
market in first hour)

Monthly prediction for US and Indian stock markets is open for
subscription( along with free intra day and weekly calls)

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 30 2009

No intra day Prediction for Indian stock markets will be posted on/for
Monday Nov 30.

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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given on mobile site and/or on

Friday, November 27, 2009

Review: Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 27 2009

See the intra day chart and predictions posted below.
1. The call options became substantially profitable in afternoon.
2. However had we factored in Dubai business news in recommending
Call option premium "buy targets", more conservative purchase premium
would have been recommended thus improving the quality of prediction
and profits
3. No correction occurred after the bounceback in afternoon.
December 2009 overall month prediction would be available only to subscribers
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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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Update: Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 27 2009

Nifty 5000 call premium has touched a low of Rs 95.

Given the negative news from Dubai realt estate cos, stop loss should
be kept at Rs 91 ( average purhase price 102) provided nifty down not
hit lower levels.

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 27 2009

(based on detailed SMSs sent shortly after market opened)

Nifty down over 117 points. Buy Nifty 5000 Call options now at Rs
109.60 and 96( day's lowest so far is 102). Market may recover by
afternoon. However another sharp temporary correction is possible in
the afternoon.Put options can be purchased when if nifty enters -20 to
mild positive region in afternoon
Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Intra day prediction for Indian stock market

No Intra day Prediction will be available today

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Review: Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 25 2009

The nov 25 pre market prediction followed by Sell Call (Buy put
options)- both proved profitable-see Nifty Intra day chart for nov
25. In second case put premium reached the lowest value of Rs 15(
target of Rs 16 met ).and then rose significantly due to afternoon
correction but closing at Rs19.35.

scroll down to read the predictions

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Part 2 Buy Put options now: Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 25 2009

First part of prediction is now profitable( to be maintained with
trailing stop loss)

Buy Puts options 5100 Nov puts at day's low of Rs 20.50 Buy equal
lots of Put options at Rs 16 and Rs 10 . Markets may rise to higher
levels before falling
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Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 25 2009

( detailed version of SMSs sent in pre market hours) It may be avery
volatile day.

1. Buy on morning correction for early gains.
2. Market may correct in late afternoon. However short positions can
be built early on if market rises. There may be quick temporary sharp
correction in early trading hours ( before 12 approx)

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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Monday, November 23, 2009

Final Update: Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 23, 2009

Considering the sharp upward movement in last one hour, exit trade at
loss. rest of prediction for today may be ignored.
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given on mobile site and/or on

Update: Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 23, 2009

Further to preceding prediction.

Buy 5100 Put options between rs 49 and Rs 43( now at Rs 54)- equal
lots for a gross profit margin of Rs10

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 23, 2009

In what may be a volatile day, sell ( buy Puts) in morning if market
opens positive or mildly negative since market may correct and reach a
low point by early afternoon and then rise in late afternoon. Buy call
may be given later

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Review: Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 17, 2009

As seen in the intra day chart, markets surged up late in afternoon as
predicted. However it is not clear how far the premiums went up from
average purchase level of Rs 46( closing around 47.60) -see the full
prediction in the previous post.

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buy call options: Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 17, 2009

Buy nifty 5100 call option between now at rs 50.90 and rs 42. market
may be choppy and may surge up in afternoon amidst
afternoon session may see correction
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Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 17, 2009

Live buy/sell call may be given on these blogs or on twitter during
the day after observing market trends
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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Review: Intra day prediction for US stock market on Nov 16, 2009

See the prediction in previous post and intra day chart.
1. initial correction did not materialize and hence first strategy was
loss making
2. market reached a peak in afternoon as indicated
3. Market corrected in closing hour as predicted but this was less
certain in our prediction
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Monday, November 16, 2009

Intra day prediction for US stock market on Nov 16, 2009

US market indices like dow jones and nasdaq comp could actually correct
inspite of positive start as indicated by futures market and then surge
up reaching a high point by afternoon. Correction could again follow in the
closing hour but this is less certain.
Sell dow ( i.e buy puts) index on positive opening betwen 70-100 points.
Live call may be given for buying after initial correction
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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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given on mobile site and/or on

Review: Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 16, 2009

See the intra day chart and the prediction/strategy in previous post.
At average price of Rs 55.5, the suggested strategy ended in no
loss-no profit.

In effect market was range bound after initial rise and no
siginificant correction took place

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Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 16, 2009

Nifty trading up at 5050. A volatile day ahead but profits can be
made by shorting ( buy 5000 put options( between Rs 61(now) and 50).
Time of correction is uncertain but more likely in early afternoon..

weekly prediction: Buy on monday and tuesday if market corrects over
approx 300 points for a profit before/by wednesday.This prediction
carries higher risk
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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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given on mobile site and/or on

Friday, November 13, 2009

Review: Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 13, 2009

25 nifty 5000 put options purchased at average price of Rs 94.5. Soon
after that nifty premiums rose to atleast Rs105 ( it is not possible
to verifty if it reached higher levels)

However there was an error in recommending buy at higher levels since
we follow a contrarian strategy of adding positions when market moves
in revese direction to predicted levels.However it does not effect the
outcome- profits were made by shorting.

Market as predicted continued upward movement after that

Prediction as posted during market hours(below)

> Nifty up at 5010 with nifty 5000 PUT option at Rs 89 with high so far of Rs
> 125
> There is likely to be bout of significant correction in late afternoon
> between approx 2-3 pm but overall day trend may still be upwards.
> short 10 5000 put options now and another 15 at Rs 100 (before 2.30
> pm).protect a profit margin of Rs 10.
> --
> --
> Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
> Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
> Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See
> for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
> given on mobile site and/or on

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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given on mobile site and/or on

correction: Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 13, 2009

Nifty up at 5010 with nifty 5000 PUT option at Rs 89 with high so far of Rs 125
There is likely to be bout of significant correction in late afternoon
between approx 2-3 pm but overall day trend may still be upwards.
short 10 5000 put options now and another 15 at Rs 100 (before 2.30
pm).protect a profit margin of Rs 10.
Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on Nov 13, 2009

Nifty up at 5010 withnifty 5000 call option at Rs 98 with high so far of Rs 101.

There is likely to be bout of significant correction in late afternoon
between approx 2-3 pm but overall day trend may still be upwards.

short 10 5000 put options now and another 15 at Rs 109(before 2.30
pm).protect a profit margin of Rs 10.

Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Review: Intra day prediction for US stock market on Nov 11, 2009

See the intra day chart and prediction ( along with buy recommendation
in next post).

1. Sell call was most profitable reaching a high of 96 points
2. Buy call at +18( and -20 level , not reached) was marginally profitable

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Buy at present levels: Intra day prediction for US stock market on Nov 11, 2009

First part of prediction is now into profits. dow down and in positive
at +18 points. Buy one lot nowo and another lot if dow goes down to
-20 in next one hour. profits of 40 points must be protected

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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Intra day prediction for US stock market on Nov 11, 2009

US futures trading positive in pre market session

Prediction: US market to correct after poistive start. Sell when dow
index reaches approx 90-120 points ( unless there is very positive
business news)

Buy in late morning after correction. market may trim gains in closing
hour but no shorting recommended at that time
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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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Thursday, October 29, 2009


Predictions will  resume from 2nd week of November onwards
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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Intra day prediction for US stock market on oct 27, 2009

Todays' prediction for US market is for observation purpose only as it
uses an untested method of prediction.
US Markets( dow index down 5 points after a positive start,nasdaq
down 15 points) may be volatile but could still rise and end with gains
after seeing much lower values
Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
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Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on oct 27, 2009

Nifty down about 43 points. Market will be volatile today.

1. Buy Nifty 4900 oct call option at premium of Rs 56 and 46 ( 20
lots)-days lowest so far is Rs 60 and now at Rs 68 as market will
recover and then correct again. May correct again towards end of day.
A profit margin of rs 10( post brokerag cost) must be protected

sell call may be given if above call is profitable
Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Review: Intra day prediction for US market,DJIA on oct 26,2009

As evident from the intra day chart, while market corrected from
levels of 100,no surge occured during last 90 mts.
Prediction as posted shortly after market opened (below) & followed
byTwiter update
> Dow 30 index 86 points after 25 minutes of trade. US market is likely
> to see a strong intra day correction before a possible surge up in
> last 90 mts of trade approx.
> Sell around when is dow 125-150
> Buy call may be given later
> weekly prediction for US market-oct 26-30.
> US market may see upward movement with high degree of volatility and
> steep correction on certain days.
> --
> Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
> Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
> Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See
> for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
> given on mobile site and/or on

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Monday, October 26, 2009

Intra day prediction for US market,DJIA on oct 26,2009 & weekly prediction oct 26-30

Dow 30 index 86 points after 25 minutes of trade. US market is likely
to see a strong intra day correction before a possible surge up in
last 90 mts of trade approx.

Sell around when is dow 125-150

Buy call may be given later

weekly prediction for US market-oct 26-30.

US market may see upward movement with high degree of volatility and
steep correction on certain days.

Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Review: Weekly prediction for US market on oct 19-23,2009

see the weekly chart and the weekly prediction for US market.See also
Twitter upate for the weekly prediction

> US market likely to see good start ( or rise from any correction) but
> week overall will witness volatility with strong correction possible
> towards end of the week. See also October Month prediction by
> scrolling down below
> Further update of this prediction may be given before US market opens
> next week and through some intra day predictions
> --
> Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
> Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
> Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See
> for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
> given on mobile site and/or on

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Review: Intra day prediction for US market,DJIA on oct 23,2009

Shorting the index was profitable as seen in intra day chart. However
chart did not quite take the V shape as bounceback was not enough ( a
high risk prediction).Buy call was not profitable

Prediction as posted on oct 23 followed by a twitter update:
> US market will, broadly speaking, first correct ( hitting lowest value
> in early afternoon) and then rise giving an approximate V shaped
> formation. However there may be overall choppiness.
> Sell on tepid or positive opening.
> Buy orders or sell again call may be given later
> Today's prediction is high risk tha usual- real time buy-sell call may be
> given

Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Friday, October 23, 2009

Intra day prediction for US market,DJIA on oct 23,2009

US market will, broadly speaking, first correct ( hitting lowest value
in early afternoon) and then rise giving an approximate V shaped
formation. However there may be overall choppiness.
Sell on tepid or positive opening.
Buy orders or sell again call may be given later
Today's prediction is high risk than usual- real time buy-sell call may be given

These blogs can also be accessed through alternative addresses in case
(normal addreses are blocked )as follows by and by and
Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Review: Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on oct 23, 2009

Market opened high hence first buy call was not valid. However it
corrected sharply in afternoon(see inta day nifty chart). No real time
buy/sell call could be given

Predictionas posted before market opened on oct 23(below)

> Market is expected to move up. Hence buy call options/stocks if market
> opens flat or negative. However there may be a sharp temporary
> correction in afternoon. Buy/sell call may be given later after
> observing market trading pattern
mobile site and/or on

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on oct 23, 2009

Market is expected to move up. Hence buy call options/stocks if market
opens flat or negative. However there may be a sharp temporary
correction in afternoon. Buy/sell call may be given later after
observing market trading pattern

Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Review:Intra day prediction for US market,DJIA on oct 21,2009

No general predictionwas given except for choppiness .However a sell
call was given for the last trading hour which turned to be be
correct (but from a lower levle of 38-40)

Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Review: Intra day prediction for Indian stock market,sensex,Nifty on oct 21,2009

See attached intra day chartand prediction below. due to extreme
choppiness observed no buy/sell call was given

Prediction as posted on oct 21 before market opened

> Indian market after a possible correction will move up and peak around
> early afternoon. a temporary correction could follow
> 1. Short if market opens flat or positive
> 2. Buy on correction of 100 or more points
> 3. short in afternoon again.
> Real time buy/sell calls may be given after observing trading pattern
> on or twitter
> --
> Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
> Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
> Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See
> for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
> given on mobile site and/or on

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Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Review: Intra day Prediction of gold silver copper zinc and lead on oct 21 ( 5pm -11pm)

Summary: Buy calls were generally correct 2/4 triggered calls were
profitable( gold and zinc. copper was profitable if price was of Rs
297 ? was reached.silver and lead sell calls were loss making. ( For
international market buy calls on gold and silver are now in
black).Charts on some price points showing extreme
low selling prices are ignored)

> For all these five precious metals/metals trend will downward then
> upwards for trading between 5 pm -11 pm amidst choppiness at mcxindia
> 1. Buy gold now at 15885 and 15860 ( a bigger correction is possible
> between 6-8 pm).sell /buy call may be given later
> 2. sell silver at 26940 and 27000 before 5.40 pm .buy call may begiev
> later.
> 3. Buy copper futures at 296 and 297
> 4 Buy zinc futures at 97.40 and 97
> 5. sell lead futures at 105 and 106 and buy at 104 and 103.50
> updates may be given
> --
> Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
> Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
> Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See
> for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
> given on mobile site and/or on

Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Intra day prediction for US market,DJIA on oct 21,2009

Due to expected choppiness there will be no general intra day
prediction but buy/sell call may be given on twitter

Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Intra day Prediction of gold silver copper zinc and lead on oct 21 ( 5pm -11pm)

For all these five precious metals/metals trend will downward then
upwards for trading between 5 pm -11 pm amidst choppiness at mcxindia
1. Buy gold now at 15885 and 15860 ( a bigger correction is possible
between 6-8 pm).sell /buy call may be given later

2. sell silver at 26940 and 27000 before 5.40 pm .buy call may begiev later.

3. Buy copper futures at 296 and 297

4 Buy zinc futures at 97.40 and 97

5. sell lead futures at 105 and 106 and buy at 104 and 103.50

updates may be given

Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Intra day prediction for Indian stock market,sensex,Nifty on oct 21,2009

Indian market after a possible correction will move up and peak around
early afternoon. a temporary correction could follow

1. Short if market opens flat or positive
2. Buy on correction of 100 or more points
3. short in afternoon again.

Real time buy/sell calls may be given after observing trading pattern
on or twitter

Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Review: Intra day prediction for US market,DJIA on oct 20,2009

See the intra day chart for dow index oct 20 and prediction in preceding post.
1. Both short and long trade calls were correct.
2.However emphasis on long trade was incorrect since market fell more
than it coudl bounceback.
profits were made on kacing a/c on both long and short trades
Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Intra day prediction for US market,DJIA on oct 20,2009

US market expected to start positive may dip sharply in afternoon (
approx 11-12.30) in volatile trading then again move up.,

However preferred strategy will be to go long on correction any time before 2pm

Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Review: Intra day prediction for Indian stock markets,Sensex,Nifty on oct 20,2009

Profit was over Rs 32k on predicton based strategy.see
, Compare pre market prediction and Buy Pu call with intra
day chart.
Prediction as posted before market opening,follwed by buy-sell/calls-below
> Indian stock markets-oct 20- may witness a volatile session. Buy on
> negative /weak opening. However a sudden sharp temporary drop is
> possible in afternoon when index may be shorted. Buy/Sell call may be
> given after observing trading pattern
> --

Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Re: Intra day prediction for Indian stock markets,Sensex,Nifty on oct 20,2009 and with straight drop in nifty profts on 25
lots is now Rs over Rs 34000

See intra day chart (trading in progres) and twitter updates.alos on ckal.mbi.
Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Review: Intra day prediction for US market on oct 19,2009

US intra day strategy/prediction for oct 19 was highly profitable as
seen in intra day chart and in line with weekly prediction

Prediction as posted for US market on oct 19

> US market is likely to make good gains today though there may a sharp
> dip during the day, it should be taken as buying opportunity. see
> This is also because weekly prediction (oct 19-23) as well monthy
> prediction (posted beginning of month) show an upward trend in US
> market.Read weekly outlook below.
> Shorting if at all done today should be in relatively small amounts &
> to hedge long profits & add to long positions

Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Intra day prediction for Indian stock markets,Sensex,Nifty on oct 20,2009

Indian stock markets-oct 20- may witness a volatile session. Buy on
negative /weak opening. However a sudden sharp temporary drop is
possible in afternoon when index may be shorted. Buy/Sell call may be
given after observing trading pattern
Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Monday, October 19, 2009

Intra day prediction for US market on oct 19,2009

US market is likely to make good gains today though there may a sharp
dip during the day, it should be taken as buying opportunity. see

This is also because weekly prediction (oct 19-23) as well monthy
prediction (posted beginning of month) show an upward trend in US
market.Read weekly outlook below.

Shorting if at all done today should be in relatively small amounts &
to hedge long profits & add to long positions
Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Predictions This week

This week intra day predictions for Commodity and Bullion markets will
be posted on certain days. Due to long hour of trading in
metal/precous metals on NCDEX and MCXindia ( 10 am -11.30 pm), the
trading session will usually be divided intwo parts ( 10 am -5 pm) and
(session2: 5 pm-11pm/11.30pm) and predictiosn made for one of these

Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Weekly prediction for US market on oct 19-23,2009

US market likely to see good start ( or rise from any correction) but
week overall will witness volatility with strong correction possible
towards end of the week. See also October Month prediction by
scrolling down below

Further update of this prediction may be given before US market opens
next week and through some intra day predictions

Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Review: Intra day prediction for US market on oct 16,2009

See the intra day chart and prediction on Twitter. As predicted, US
market recovered sharply towards late afternoon from day's low point
in pre noon session
Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Friday, October 16, 2009

Review: Intra day Prediction of gold silver copper zinc and lead on oct 16 ( 5pm -11pm)

Summary: 3/5 calls were correct/profitable

See charts on

1. Sell call on gold and silver were loss making( gold prediction was high risk)
2. Buy call on copper, lead and also silver were profitable.No call
was given for zinc.

Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

Intra day prediction for US market on oct 16,2009

Prediction is posted at some time back .
however it may be added there may be more volatility towards end of
day today

Call 0091-9971355662 or send SMS to subscribe to Intra day predictions
of Indian, US stock markets and Bullion/Commodity
futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for
details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are given on mobile site and/or

Intra day Prediction of gold silver copper zinc and lead on oct 16 ( 5pm -11pm)

All futures prediction at MCX India

1. Buy silver at 26720(now) and sell at 26840- volatile trade expected

2. sell gold at 15820 ( now at 15775)- high risk prediction due to choppiness

3. Buy copper at 288 and 289(now)- may fall later at night

4. Buy lead now at 101 and 100.40

Stop loss of Rs 4000 per lot. Updates may be given later

Call 0091-9971355662 or send SMS to subscribe to Intra day predictions
of Indian, US stock markets and Bullion/Commodity
futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for
details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are given on mobile site and/or
twitter at

Predictions Today

Predictions for US stock markets will be posted today.

Call 0091-9971355662 or send SMS to subscribe to Intra day predictions
of Indian, US stock markets and Bullion/Commodity
futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for
details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are given on mobile site and/or
on Twitter at

review: Intra Prediction for US Stock market, dow Index on October 15, 2009

Intra day chart for oct 15 is shown above.The original prediction is given below

Prediction posted 5 hours before US market opened (below-) followed by
Buy call on Twitter during market hours

> It is still several hours before US stock market opens. Keeping that in
> mind
> here is the prediction for oct 15,2009
> " US market likely to correct around mid day( 12-2 pm) but recover sharply
> towards end of day( evenif temporarily).
> 1. short index if Us market opens in positive territory ( 50-70 points) (
> factor in any biz news as market opens)
> 2. Go long on correction on 70-80 points in late afternoon ( again factor
> in
> any new biz developments)
> Overall volatility is expected.
>> Please see mobile site ** <>. for real time
>> buy/sell index related calls and twitter updates that may follow.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Intra Prediction for US Stock market, dow Index in October 15, 2009

It is still several hours before US stock market opens. Keeping that in mind here is the prediction for oct 15,2009
" US market likely to correct around mid day( 12-2 pm) but recover sharply towards end of day( evenif temporarily).
1. short index if Us market opens in positive territory ( 50-70 points) ( factor in any biz news as market opens)
2. Go long on correction on 70-80 points in late afternoon ( again factor in any new biz developments)
Overall volatility is expected.


Please see mobile site ** <>. for real time
 buy/sell index related  calls and twitter updates that may follow.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Intra Prediction for US Stock market, dow Index in October 12, 2009

US stock market ( dow now up 21 points after 5mts of trade). US
markets may rise sharply in afternoon but after a possible correction
or dip

Please see mobile site ** <>. for real time
buy/sell index related calls and twitter updates that may follow.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Intra Prediction for US Stock market, dow Index in October 6, 2009

There may be more than one way to make money trading in US stock market today.

Please see mobile site for real time buy/sell index related  calls and twitter updates that may follow.
US market amidst signs of weak opening likely to move up later . but a stronger dip/correction awaits in afternoon ( timing uncertain but approx 12.30pm to  .2.30 pm) from which markets may recover.
disclaimer: risk and responsibility of using these tarot card predictions rest enetirely with the user/trader

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Review: Intra Prediction for US Stock market, dow Index in October 6, 2009

see the intra day chart. Though market dipped almost 100 points from
morning peak, an d then rose 60 points in afternoon along the
predicted lines, the fall actually came after a good rise in morning(
more than 100 points from opening values)- hence it is not clear if
prediction was financially useful from trading perspective

Prediction as posted before market opened on oct 6(below)

> US futures are indicating a positive and strong opening. Our Tarot card
> model indicates choppy and /or volatile session with dip/correction after
> market opens and may a hit a low before early afternoon
> 1. short index options on strong opening ,possibly in twio lots
> 2. Go long in afternoon ( but level cannot be specified now in the pre
> market hours)
> usual risk/responsibility disclaimer apply

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Intra Prediction for US Stock market, dow Index in October 6, 2009

US futures are indicating a positive and strong opening. Our Tarot card model indicates choppy and /or volatile session with dip/correction after market opens and may a hit a low before early afternoon
1. short index options  on strong opening ,possibly in twio lots
2. Go long in afternoon  ( but level cannot be specified now in the pre market hours)
usual risk/responsibility disclaimer apply

Intra day prediction for Indian stock market October 6, 2009

Indian markets have recovered .Nifty now up 2 points. However there
may be another correction in these last 45 minutes of trade.

buy 10 nifty 5000 Put options at Rs 121 (current rpice) and another 20
at Rs 105 (day;s lowest at Rs 118 so far)

exit on loss of Rs 20 per lot and protect profits on same level

Usual disclaimer apply

Review of sept prediction for US an Indian market wil be posted later
as also commodity predictions sent last night by SMS

To subscribe to our services ( rs 2000 for ten predictions).see for details

Pay to Ravindra N Gupta
s/a/c Union Bank of india
branch : sec 29 Noida
a/c no 398-50-20-100-57527

SMS at 09971355662

NRIs and US/Singapore/Canda based traders may request further details at

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Prediction for US Stock market, dow Index in October 2009

US stock market prediction for October 2009

US market may continue to slide for next few days. However a strong
upsurge is likely. Hence for trading purposes, while 1/3 of capital
may continue to be in stocks/options now, remaining can added on
further correction in next few days.
In last 3-4 days strong correction is possible.

Indian Stock market in October 2009: Trend for indian markets is less
certain. Strong volatility and bounceback on strong corrections is
possible. However this prediction is high risk

Friday, October 02, 2009

Predictions for next week

Some of these predictions will be posted in the coming week.
1. Intra day prediction for oil,precious metals and metals,
agriculture commodities
2. Month prediction for US and Indian markets
3. Intra day prediction for US markets
4.Monthly outlook for oil,gold and silver

Very few intra day predictions will be posted from now on as these are
open to subscriptions by members/brokers/subbrokers of NSE,BSE, NCDEX
and MCX and traders residing in US.see for details

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Very few, if any, prediction will be posted this week .Prior
information will be given for any new prediction.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Review: Weekly Prediction for US stock markets,dow industrials for Sept 21-25,2009

See the attaced weekly chart for dow industrial for the concluded week-sept 21-25. The weekly prediction was only partly correct-markets did recover from early week correction- which peaked on wednesday but prediction's emphasis on net weekly gain was off the mark as amrket underwent correction on thursday and friday and also tanked from wednesday peak

US Prediction as posted last Monday for sept 21-25
US markets ( dow 9820 closing value last week))  could see a correction in early part of the week and by end of the week bounceback. The probable pattern will be markets recovering from any correction during early part of the week .
1Short index if markets opens or rises on monday in 70-100 range. This may become profitable by/beore tuesday
2. buy on any correction of over 120 points especially in early part of week .
also check back on any intra day predictions here and on Twitter.
a. dominant strategy after Monday-Tuesday : Long positions to be created  as net gain for dow  is likely on weekly basis
Stocks to watch: Caterpillar, IBM and Exxon Mobil. Buy these stocks on early week corrections.
disclaimer: stocks related predictions carry higher risk. All risk/responsibility to be borne by traders using these predictions

Friday, September 25, 2009

Part 2: Intra day Prediction for commodities,Gold, Silver zinc copper, -prediction for Sept 25,2009

This prediction is valid for 6pm-11 pm friday 25 sep 2009 for futures trading .

Like the morning session prediction, there may be volatility in this
session of 5 hours .Gold ,silver, copper and zinc have fallen in last
hour of trading .After a rise now there may be another dip in mid
session approx 8pm-9.30 pm, a rise followed by steeper fall is
possible in last few minutes in silver. read the disclaimer also

> disclaimer: Today's predictions involve higher than usual predictive risk
> and may also indicate more intra day choppiness.The absence of usual high
> correlation between various prices today adds to riskiness.No Specific
> buy/sell calls will be given today

Intra day Prediction for commodities,Gold, Silver zinc copper,nickel -prediction for Sept 25,2009

Intra day prediction for gold,silver,copper,zinc,nickel futures( between 10 am - 5pm)

After a quick morning correction the prices may rise in morning itself .However in late afternoon there may be a strong correction.

A new set of predictions may be given for certain metals for 5pm-11pm trading ( AT MCX/NCDE traidng time is 10 am to 11 pm)

disclaimer: Today's predictions involve higher than usual predictive risk and may also indicate more intra day choppiness.The absence of usual high correlation between various prices today adds to riskiness.No Specific buy/sell calls will be given today

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Review of intra day commodity predictions

Review of Intra day commodity prediction -sept 24 is posted at

Update: Intra day Prediction for commodities,Gold, Silver zinc copper -prediction for Sept 24,2009

These price order valid till 11.30 am only- after that ignore these predictions

sell gold futures at Rs 15810 and 15830

Sell silver futures at sr 27100 and 27200

sell copper futures at Rs 299 and 300

sell zinc futures at Rs 90.90 and 91

Loss limit and profit booking as in previous similar posts

Intra day Prediction for commodities,Gold, Silver zinc copper -prediction for Sept 24,2009

all four metals may follow a V shaped pattern first correcting  then in late afternoon recovering especially gold, silver, copper and possibly zinc( 10 am - 5pm)
Sell futures at prices higher than yesterday closing ( live quote not available now)
Buy around 2-3 pm if first strategy is profitable
disclaimer apply. It may be better to wait for buy/sell call as most of these commodities may display volatile trend today with possiblity of gain from both buying or selling at different times of the day.Risk/responsibility lies with those using these predictions.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


No prediction will be posted today with possible exception being
prediction for intra day movement in US tsokc markets-sept 23

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Review: Intra day Prediction for commodities,Gold, Silver oil -prediction for Sept 22,2009

Profit and loss on intra day commodity calls.for charts see summary only 2/5 calls were correct
1. crude oil : Total loss at 5 pm was rs 2500 + rs 500
2. Copper profit at rs 10000 and rs 6000(lot size is 2mt)=rs 16000
3. aluminium: profit on one lot Rs 800
4. Gold : loss on one lot rs 4000
5. silver: after buy call silver wentinto proft of rs 3000 but ended with loss of rs 1200 by 5pm For both gold and silver buying would have been the right call
Prediction as posted below-see updates and correction in previous posts.

1. Crude oil: Sell now at 3395 and 3415

2. Copper: Buy at Rs 302 now and 300

3. Aluminium : Buy now at 89.70 and 88.5

For both silver and gold there may be lateafternoon correction after possible rise. hence wait till afternoon though selling levels are indicated

4. sell gold futures at rs 15800 and 15840 ( now 15776)

5. sel silver futures at sr 27500 and 27600 now at rs 27400

.Risk/responsibility lies with those using these predictions.

Review: Intra day Prediction for Indian stock markets for Sept 22, 2009

see intra day chart and prediction below.
Total 35 puts purchased at rs 19.85 average price. premium reached Rs 28-29 on late afternoon during temproary correction. closing premium rs 20
However fact is correction was not  severe as expected and peak was also in late afternoon.
Prediction as posted during mrket hours:

There may be volatility today.nifty up 37 points at 5013 andmay go up higher around noon time.
Buy 10 nifty 5000 puts  at current 27 and another 25 at Rs 17.(day low is rs 25)
Commodity calls may be given later for certain metals and oil

Update: Intra day Prediction for commodities,Gold, Silver oil -prediction for Sept 22,2009

Copper futures at rs 303.40.
aluminium futures at RS 90.10.
Protect these profits by trailing marginof Rs 0.10.
Sell gold futures at rs 15838 and silver at sr 27383 now. (exit max loss at Rs 4000 per lot)
crude  oil at rs 3415. (exit at  max loss of rs 2500)

correction: Intra day Prediction for commodities,Gold, Silver oil -prediction for Sept 22,2009

Silver near month futures was trading at Rs 27160-27180 range at time of previous posting few minutes back, not rs 27400. hence sell at rs 27350 and rs 27450 but after waiting till afternoon 2-3 pm ( approximate)

Intra day Prediction for commodities,Gold, Silver oil -prediction for Sept 22,2009

1. Crude oil: Sell now at 3395 and 3415
2. Copper: Buy at Rs 302 now and 300
3. Aluminium : Buy now at 89.70 and 88.5
For both  silver and gold there may be lateafternoon correction after possible rise. hence wait till afternoon though selling levels are indicated
4. sell gold futures at rs 15800 and 15840 ( now 15776)
5. sel silver futures at sr 27500 and 27600 now at rs 27400

 .Risk/responsibility lies with those using these predictions.

Intra day Prediction for Indian stock markets for Sept 22, 2009

There may be volatility today.nifty up 37 points at 5013 andmay go up higher around noon time.
Buy 10 nifty 5000 puts  at current 27 and another 25 at Rs 17.(day low is rs 25)
Commodity calls may be given later for certain metals and oil

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weekly Prediction for US stock markets,dow industrials for Sept 21-25,2009

US markets ( dow 9820 closing value last week))  could see a correction in early part of the week and by end of the week bounceback. The probable pattern will be markets recovering from any correction during early part of the week .
1Short index if markets opens or rises on monday in 70-100 range. This may become profitable by/beore tuesday
2. buy on any correction of over 120 points especially in early part of week .
also check back on any intra day predictions here and on Twitter.
a. dominant strategy after Monday-Tuesday : Long positions to be created  as net gain for dow  is likely on weekly basis
Stocks to watch: Caterpillar, IBM and Exxon Mobil. Buy these stocks on early week corrections.
disclaimer: stocks related predictions carry higher risk. All risk/responsibility to be borne by traders using these predictions

Review: Intra day Prediction for US stock markets,dow industrials for Sept 14-18,2009

see the attached weekly chart for dow index and prediction for the week below.

1. On positive side, prediction based strategy was to go long - dow industrial gained more than 250 points this week.

2.On negative side US markets did not see any substantial correction and not much volatility either-prediction did not emphaisze net weekly gains

US market (sept 14-18): weekly prediction

US markets may see lower values amidst some strong volatility but may end with gains or marginal losses.Long trades can be created at every strong correction for short term gains

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Review: Intra day Prediction for US stock markets,dow industrials for Sept 18,2009

See intra day chart above and compare with prediction below.
Profit from day trading only was $ 4800 approx ( 4260 from long trade  and $560 from shorting)
Sept 16: Loss from shorting was approx 2-3 k
Prediction as Posted before market hours (Sept 18-see below)

US market based on futures market shows quiet start. Our Tarot based prediction model indicates markets will rise today from a weak or negative first trading hour and peak before noon or around.
Markets may give up gains in the closing hours.
1. Buy on weak start and any mid day corrections today.
Trades on kaching will be created broadly in line with this prediction.see twitter and facebook for possible updates.
Pls note in our trading portfolio which tries to mimic and outperform dow industrial index has mostly dow related shares. hence certain shares like FSLR ( which is an excellent share for long term) wil be dropped as it is not based on our prediction model but only for investment portfolio . On other hand Caterpillar is being added as it is a good long term investment and also follows dow index. Gold and silver funds also added based our commodity predictions


Friday, September 18, 2009

Intra day Prediction for US stock markets,dow industrials for Sept 18,2009

US market based on futures market shows quiet start. Our Tarot based prediction model indicates markets will rise today from a weak or negative first trading hour and peak before noon or around.
Markets may give up gains in the closing hours.
1. Buy on weak start and any mid day corrections today.
Trades on kaching will be created broadly in line with this prediction.see twitter and facebook for possible updates.
Pls note in our trading portfolio which tries to mimic and outperform dow industrial index has mostly dow related shares. hence certain shares like FSLR ( which is an excellent share for long term) wil be dropped as it is not based on our prediction model but only for investment portfolio . On other hand Caterpillar is being added as it is a good long term investment and also follows dow index. Gold and silver funds also added based our commodity predictions


Review: Intra day Prediction for Indian stock markets for Sept 17, 2009

Intra chart is attached for Nifty-sept 17. Compare with the prediction  for september 17 given  in preceding post before market hours.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Intra day Prediction for Indian stock markets for Sept 17, 2009

Indian markets could rise to a high point by afternoon. however there may be a strong temporary correction in late afternoon before market possibly rising further or bouncing back. Market could also correct in morning if it opens strong as is likely

Review: Intra day Prediction for US stock markets,dow industrials for Sept 16,2009

Market corrcted and then rose to a high point by  afternoon. (see chart) But predicted correction did not materialize. Details of profit and loss to be given later

Prediction as posted before market hours(below)
US dow futures trading before market opens  at +54 points. However our prediction model indicates much weaker start or dip in oeping hours before US market rises through most of the day. also indicated is at least strong correction-w hose timing is uncertain but may fall in mid day. overall choppiness is likely
Buy and add on all corrections and weak start of less than +25 points
Short index related stocks at dow+100 to +150

Trades on kaching will be created broadly in line with this prediction.see twitter and facebook for possible updates

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Intra day Prediction for US stock markets,dow industrials for Sept 16,2009

US dow futures trading before market opens at +54 points. However our prediction model indicates much weaker start or dip in opening hours before US market rises through most of the day. also indicated is at least one strong correction-whose timing is uncertain but may fall in mid day. overall choppiness is likely
Buy and add on all corrections and weak start of less than +25 points
Short index related stocks at dow+100 to +150

Trades on kaching will be created broadly in line with this prediction.see twitter and facebook for possible updates

Final Update : Intra day Prediction for metals,Gold, Silver oil -prediction for Sept 16,2009

Book profit on copper Rs 1600 ( now at rs 307.80)

Protect profit on crude oil now at Rs 3424( max loss = rs 0)
Profit on crude oil is now rs 2000 at rs 3432 exit ( edited at 5 pm)

Profit on Gold futures(sell order) Rs 4200-4300 before brokerage.

silver and Aluminium price orders not met though directionally correct on buy/sell.

Next possible prediction: US stock markets today-sept 16

Review: Intra day Prediction for Indian stock market, Sept 15,2009

Read bullion/metal/oil  calls for today  in previous sections.
Intra day nifty chart for sept 15 prediction above shows call to buy in aweak global market cues was on target.
secondly market corrected temporarily by over 30 nifty points -almost 36% of highs before recovering( though this correction is dwarfed by large increase in nifty/sensex)
Prediction as posted yesterday for sept 15 before market hours(below)
Indian stock market is expected to hit a high point in afternoon around mid day. But lateafternoon may see a volatility with possibility of strong correction.
1. Buy call options in morning and add if market corrects in morning
2. If 1 is profitable ,short index options(buy put options) in afternoon with trainling stop loss.(this part of prediction carries higher risk)
Buy/sell call may be given during the day.
Review of past predictions will be posted later

No commodity prediction wil be posted today.

Usual risk/responsibility disclaimers apply

Update 2: Intra day Prediction for metals,Gold, Silver oil -prediction for Sept 16,2009

Gold profits on sell call  hit maximum of Rs 4800-4900. profit rs 4200. (sell target of 16010 not met) Silver also corrected but price target on sell call not met for silver
1. Buy copper futures at current rs 306.20
2. Buy crude oil futures at Rs 3412 ( current) and 3390
Stop losses and profit booking as before

Update: Intra day Prediction for metals,Gold, Silver oil -prediction for Sept 16,2009

All futures prices have moved up after our buy calls but price targets not met.some temporary correction may occur now

Sell gold futures at 15990(current) and 16010

sell silver futures at 27700 and 27800

Stop losses and profit booking as before

Correction: Intra day Prediction for metals,Gold, Silver oil -prediction for Sept 16,2009

Gold futures prices should be Rs 15840 and 15820
From now on agriculture products futures predictions  with appear alternately with metals,precious metal and oil futures  intra day predictions in most  cases

Intra day Prediction for metals,Gold, Silver oil -prediction for Sept 16,2009

1. Buy gold futures at  Rs 15780 and 15740
2. Buy silver futures at rs 27100 an 27300
3 Buy aluminium futures at Rs 87 and 87.50
4. Buy copper futures at Rs 305 and 304
5 Buy crude oil futures at Rs 3320 and 3310
stop loss of Rs 4000  for each lot. profit of Rs 2400 to be protected with trailing stop loss of rs 800.
Sell calls may be given later. Most charts may display a volatile pattern
all prices as on mcx today for nearest  month contracts

disclaimer apply. Risk/responsibility lies with those using these predictions.

Review: Intra day Prediction for US stock markets,dow industrials for Sept 15,2009

Prediction was correct only on the upside(from a neagtive and week a start.However strong correction did not materialize and there was no significant volatility in afternoon.loss on shorts $1000 for day trade only.(see also weekly prediction below) 
Long trades show profit of $6000 (on wells fargo purchase) but there maybe a mistake since price targets were not met on buy calls

Prediction as posted on sept 15 before market hours followed by Twitter and Facebook updates

US market may rise initially ( if it opens from a weak or negative start). However a strong correction awaits in afternoon. US market may again bouceback towards end of day.
Trades on kaching will be created broadly in line with this prediction.see twitter and facebook for possible updates

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