Saturday, July 26, 2008

predictions update etc

No stock market prediction may be available for a few days. Some  special predictions could however be posted



Also further thoughts and corrections to article posted on  will be posted in a few days


Tel 09911698256,09312039121

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

prediction based trade 88& 89: Intra day prediction US market July 23

US market likely to see volatility inspite of good news such as on oil price etc with two episodes of correction ( first in morning and late afternoon) and possibly two bouceback following each of these corrections


This prediction is posted about 1 hour before market opens



Trade 88: Short two lots of dow 30 as market may down after positive opening. Short at dow 30+110 and dow +170 unless higher value ( in lieu of 110) is seen by 10 am US time( adjust both shorting points accordingly)



Trade 89: Go long on dow 30 after first correction ( unless values are given for taking long calls, this trade should be ignored)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

article and Predictions

Intra day prediction will be posted on July 23 for Indian or US market




The article on “ why people under-invest in their spiritual growth- part 2” will be posted shortly on




Monday, July 21, 2008


Please wait for next announcement regarding predictions

Friday, July 18, 2008

Review of Intra day prediction US market July 17

Prediction made: ( see original prediction preceding number of updates) for July 17


A volatile market offering opportunity for three distinct profit making trades ; trade 85 ( shorting-first phase), Trade 86 ( long position-second phase) and shorting in late afternoon ( third phase)



As can be seen chart follows the prediction broadly except that towards end of day inspite of 8o pint fall from a high of 207 , the fall was temporary which was not predicted.


Trade 85: profit of $ 165 from dow shorts ( nasdaq short not triggered)


Trade 86: profit of $100 from dow long call( it was a mistake to book profit instead of using trailing stop loss) and another profit of  $ 140 from Nasdaq long call( where trailing stop loss gave good profits).total profits $ 240


Trade 87: Loss of $750 from three dow shorts( as no no exit call was given and hence profit booked at highest levels).shorts were created too early leaving a loss of $ 750





Thursday, July 17, 2008

update on trade 86

Nasdaq call options purchased at around 10.25  when dow 30 stop loss limits were trioggered- i.e when nasdaq was about +7 points.



Now up 17 points. Protect profits  with trailing stop loss of 4 points

update on trade 85,86

Trade 85 stop loss triggered with profits



Trade 86: Book profit with dow up at 82 points

FW: update on trades 85,86,87 July 17

( this message it seems has not appeared on the blog though it was posted at 7.23 pm Indian time and hence forwarded to maintain continuity in predictions message for US market today)

Thursday, July 17, 2008 7:23 PM
To: ''
Subject: update on trades 85,86,87 July 17


Protect profits on dow 30 after gain of 50 points by using trailing stop loss of 20


In case of nasdaq protect profits after every gain of 15 points with trailing stop loss of 5 points

update on trade 87

Dow  30 now up 70 points.


Sell 1 dow ( i.e Buy Dow put option) another  2 lots at dow +100 and +120 before 3 pm US time


Protect profits if dow falls by 40 points compared to average purchase level

further update on Trade 85 & 86

Trade 85 with shorting of dow 30 at 110 is now into profits .however short limit for nasdaq was not met.




Long position on nasdaq under trade 86 should be initiated when dow 30 stop loss is triggered in trade 85

Update on trade 86 July 17

Trade 86 should be initiated only after trailing stop loss for trade 85 is triggered

Prediction based trade 85,86,87 U S market July 17


Because of volatility expected in today’s market three predictions are lumped together



Dow up 103 points  Nadaq up 25 points at 7.14 pm Indian time( 15 minutes after market opening)


Market may reach peak in late afternoon but give up gains towards end of today amidst volatility


Trade 85



Short 1 dow 30 and 1 nasdaq at limit price of 110 and 33 respectively in next 30 minutes .exit at stop loss of 140 and 40


Trade 86


Buy 1 dow 30 and 1 nasdaq call options before 12 noon (US time) at limit price of dow 30  30 points and nasdaq  10



Trade 87



Short 2 dow 30  at 2.30-3 .00 pm in two stages if dow up 170 poinst and nasdaq up 40 points




Please note limit  prices may be revised if not triggered before that

Review of Intra day Indian market prediction July 16

Prediction made to Buy July call options yesterday at 2.26 pm( time of prediction posting) as market was expected to bounce back in last  hour or so


At 2..26 Pm Nifty was down about 40-50  points with a low of about - 70 points before 3 pm but pulled back maximum of 50 points in last hour of trade before gong down to -40 points. Without Stop loss limits, losses could have turned in to profits our trading strategy


This prediction as also other loss making prediction in our series show how our prediction based trading model required combined use of Options and very infrequent or liberal Stop Loss limits to make good profits on consistent basis.- which is contrarian  wisdom




Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Stop Loss triggered for Trade 84

Premium has hit a value of Rs 116. Stop loss triggered with total loss on 8 lots at Rs 4800 including brokerage

Update on Trade 84

Price limit of Rs 130 triggered. Low price so far now at Rs 128.15.



Protect profit onec premium advantage of Rs 10 is reached by putting stop loss at Rs 7 .use trailing stop loss of rs 4

Prediction based Trade 84: Indian market July 16

No trial prediction will appear this week apart from this one



Nifty down about 30-40 points at 2.20-.2.25


Market expected to bounce back in last one hour or so.


Buy 3 Nifty July call 3800 – (last premium at 136.50, day low so far 131.50) at limit price of 130 and another 5 lots at limit price of Rs 127 if available before 3 pm.


Exit if loss per lot is Rs 10 from average purchase price

Sunday, July 13, 2008

No Prediction on July 14

No Prediction will be posted on July 14. Please wait for next prediction annoucement

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Performance of Prediction based Trading Fund since April 1,2008

We started this virtual Trading fund to demonstrate the effective of our Prediction based Trading

system starting with Rs 10 lacs and trading in US and Indian markets. A gain of 21.8% has been

achieved so far with over 69% success rate after 64 executed trades.

(Trade no 83 has been left out of Trading Fund Stats because of marginal profits )

Index & Fund growth since April 1, 2008

% growth

( with March 31,2008 closing values as base)





Dow 30




Our Trading Fund


*US market still open with 80 minutes of trade left

1. Please note bulk of our trading has been in Nifty and Dow 30

2. Success rate of about 69% on 65 executed trades ( 44 right, 20 wrong and one abandoned)

and another 18 trades not being executed due to price limits not being met or duplicate trade

(1). Last trade Trade no 83 has been left out of Trading Fund Stats because of marginal profits

3.All four indices have seen net loss sine April 1,,2008

Details of Trade wise Profit and Loss

Trade no

Profit/ loss (Rs)


Trade 1-83


Net gain of 21.8% since april 1,2008 with 3 predictions this week but none in the Trading Fund series

Trade 83


Trade 83 & profit from it abandoned/discounted in Performance Stats calculation due to small profits

Trade 82


Indian market- July 4

Trade 1-81


Gain of 21.5 percent till June 27 since April 1,2008 with net weekly gain of 3.1 % in that week

Total of three predictions given this week

  1. World markets weekly prediction- successful ( new series not part of Trading Fund yet)
  2. Intra day US market –July 10- successful ( but not part of Trading fund series)
  3. Intra day Indian market-July 11- abandoned due to small profits

Details of previous trades can be read from previous performance reports posted every week since April 1,2008.

These live predictions appear on and

Note: Please note from now on we shall occasionally trade based on market information and not just on prediction based “information” to take advantage of widely known short term future trends

To book your prediction for July, weekly outlook or intra day prediction Call 09312039121 .

Fee Payable only on profit making predictions

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