Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Intra day Prediction of gold silver copper zinc and lead on oct 21 ( 5pm -11pm)

For all these five precious metals/metals trend will downward then
upwards for trading between 5 pm -11 pm amidst choppiness at mcxindia
1. Buy gold now at 15885 and 15860 ( a bigger correction is possible
between 6-8 pm).sell /buy call may be given later

2. sell silver at 26940 and 27000 before 5.40 pm .buy call may begiev later.

3. Buy copper futures at 296 and 297

4 Buy zinc futures at 97.40 and 97

5. sell lead futures at 105 and 106 and buy at 104 and 103.50

updates may be given

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