Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Intra day prediction for Indian stock market on dec 2, 2009

Indian stock market likely to peak by afternoon then experience
correction in late afternoon amidst choppiness.
1. Buy in morning particularly if market opens in negative zone
2. sell in afternoon .
Buying and/or selling levels may be indicated here or on twitter after
observing market trend.
we will also be testing a new method to predict if market opens
positive or negative on next trading day. This will be posted as
ongoing experiment for maximum 50 trading days , not to be used for
trading purposes.( to be useful for Buy today ,Sell tommorrow trades
Test prediction 1: Nifty and nifty call options likely to open/trade
in positive zone compared to yesterday closing values in first 10 mts
of trade- with possibility of extreme chopiness
Call 0-9971355662,(NRIs 0091-9971355662) or send SMS to subscribe to
Intra day predictions of Indian, US stock markets and
Bullion/Commodity futures-NCDEX.MCXIndia.See for details.Live Buy/Sell Calls are
given on mobile site and/or on

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