Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Intra day Commodity and Bullion Predictions Aug18

Turmeric: Buy futures on correction or dips in mroning-afternoon as prices may rise towards end of day. Shorting with stop loss can be done in morning on positve gains
Sugar: Buy futures now if flat or mildly positive till afternoon. Shorting canbe done in late afternoon as sugar futures may tumble from day's high point towards end of day or late afternoon
Gold : Gold futures may reach a high point in afternoon but may decline in late afternoon amidst volatility in prices
Crude oil: Buy futures if currently in negative  as it may rise by afternoon .Short futures in late afternoon as peak may not retained

See weekly predictions below
disclaimer: These category of predictons are not tested over large sample and also use a highly truncated prediction model using tarot cards( unlike stock market predictions). Those receing SMS must control investment to manage risks to tolerable levels. Risk and responsibility lies with user of these predictions

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