Friday, May 15, 2009

edited version Role of Other Ministries in Solar Power Unit

To the previous version the follwing thoughts are added and comments invited
1. Given the need for transporting the solar panels equipments to remote areas, what role can be assigned to Transport ministry in the Cell
2. Given the vast network and need for communication it would be gullible to leave out IT ministry from the scope of work for such a Unit- indeed a Standing Committee may need need to be created for the same- which works at direction of a panel including  foreign experts/agencies

From the previou version

Institutional requirements: Creating policy and institutional environment for Solar power industry


Falling oil price is a mirage and a temporary phenomenon. In future both rising prices and climate/environment concerns will make it imperative to promote solar power in a big way as that is India' s natural advantage.Also falling costs and minitiaruization of solar components( higher kw/per unit area of panels/cell) will make solar power increasingly attractive. So who will be next Tulsi Tanti of Solar industry.(may be Tulsi Tanti himself as he set eyes on solar after his phenomenal success .)


The transition from TEXTILE industry to wind industry must be replicable to solar.

For this a Special Cell must be created comprising the following ministries with clear cut responsibilities for their solar cell.


  1. Renewable energy ministry( for obvious reasons, tech expertise)
  2. Commerce Ministry ( for fast tracking proper incentive policies for import/export of components
  3. External affair ministry may play a n important role in raising contacts/funds(indirectly)
  4. Ofcourse Cell for them may  have to approved by a parliamentary process(perhaps?)
  5. Links with external agencies like UN to support research and development


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