Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Prediction based Trade no 9: Us market April 15- 30 profitable prediction based trade series

Dow 30 is up 3 points after 30 minutes of trade- up over 50 poinsts from day's low.
Buy 1 call option if dow hits -50 in next 100 mts
Buy 2 nd call option if it hits -100 i n next 100 mts
No Stop loss set as of now
Protect profits as per yesterday's limits
read below how can easily access prediction on mobile web- quickly and easily

to access our predictions easily and quickly on your gprs enabled
/internet ready mobile phone. do the following

1. go to in your mobile browser
2. in the dialog box type our web address or
3. choose box option whether to see images/photos/charts or not "GO"

browser on mobile will now show etx version of the site withlist of
contents( by heading). You can also click on "orange icon" _RSS feed r
ATOM feed. All the predictions will open as heading and links.

You can "book mark" the above site in step 1 and2 adn so there is no
need to type address again.

see for more very useful tech tips

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