Based on success of our short term predictions over last few years which include recent predictions of (10 Bear market in 2008? (2) sharp corrections before March 2008, (3) Uptrend in US and Indian market (in second half) we are now launching a traders virtual fund which with following features
1. All trades to be done in US and Indian markets largely based on our short term predictions based on tarot cards
2. Trades to be largely confined to main indices like nifty, dow jones 30
3. A starting fund of Rs 10 lacs equally denominated in dollar and Re. In reality starting fund can be as low as Rs 1 lac. define your exit point based on loss bearing capacity
4. Funds to be used in small portions with relatively less frequent use of stop loss ( no trade in futures except on intra day basis and always with stop loss)
5.. Return to be calculated on intial corpus, with Sensex, dow monthly returns and with top mutual funds
6. Other rules to be posted as necessary
7. Start date Apirl 1,2008.
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