Friday, November 30, 2007

Demo of trading using Tarot Card predictions

As posted earlier on our mobile site, we will now start demo of short term trading ( mostly intra day trading) in mainindex traded on Indian and US stock markets( Nifty, Dow Jones). Ten predictions will be given  and following rules apply.
1. Prediction will be made for Nifty options, Dow Jones futures in format buy /sell, current value , expected time before which recommeded stragey will give profits.
2. As our predictions give us higher but not perfect reliability , we may or may not recommend stop loss  exit. But once unbooked profits appear, they mustbe protected by  stop loss.
3. Position taken on a particular day may be carried to next day (week)  and this will made clear.
4. Because of time sensitive nature of prediction abbrevations will be posted on this blog and mobile site which are as follows
N= nifty options ( those traded in high volume)
S  sensex futures
D= dow jones futures
Nq= Nasdaq futures
B= buy
S= sell
BKP= book profits
SL= stop loss level
NSL= no stop loss recommended ( so even temporary loss position may be converted into profits at some point during trading time as per our prediction)
T= time of sell or buy ( e.g buy/sell within x minutes )
5. Predictions will not be given on all trading days and more than one prediction may be given on any day
6. All usual disclaimers on risk and responsibility apply. You may follow these predictions on paper/mock trading before moving to actual trading

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Winner/Eliminations of Reality shows

Based on Tarot card we expect the following eliminations/winner in reality shows

1. Nach Baliye 3

If Kashimira shah is not eliminated today, She and Krishna likley to be top contender for Final along with Sanjeeda and Shaikh

2. Jhalak Dikhla Ja 2

A strong contender may be eliminated today and Mridula if she survives today may be finalist along with Prachi

3 Amul Star Voice of India

Ishmeet is likely to win thel final

PS: from now all non market predictions will be posted on and on mobile site general prediction section. will post only market predictions for India and USA

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Intra day prediction for Dow 30 on wednesday Nov 21,2007

Short Dow 30 at any time it is in  positive zone or better than -50 in morning hours. Though volatility is likely to remain through the day ,profits may be booked on short position between 2-3 pm as market likley to bounceback back strongly  in last 1-1.30 hours of trade
See also our mobile site and blogs and
also posted on along with some predictions of NFL and NBA matches for US sport enthusiasts

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

List of predictions this week Nov 18-24

The following predictions will be attempted this week on , and mobile site (answers will be posted for some or all of these)

1. Intra day prediction for Indian market(one)
2. Intra day prediction(s) for US market
3. Posible outcomeof State Assembly Elections
4.Winner of Nach Baliye
5.Winner of Jhalak Dikhla Ja
6. Winner of Star Voice

Review of the weekly prediction -Nov 12-16 for the US stock market

For the week Nov 12-16 we made the following prediction(s) for US stock market on - our mobile internet site and also on American investment website

"Dow- week nov 12-16- Worse may be behind (for time being) as dow will tend to recover from any corrections this week with possibility of some net weekly gains ( on we added "Dow will hit much higer values during the week" )

Review: In combination with Intra day prediction for Monday Nov 12 buying on Monday during correction would have given huge profits by wednesday morning as after that stop losses would have been triggered.

Dow gained on weekly basis over 100 points and a maximum of over 400 points from low point of Monday Nov 12

Review of the prediction -Nov 16 for the US stock market

For Nov 16 we made the following prediction(s) for US stock market on - our mobile internetsite and also on American investment website

"Dow to bounceback from day's low in afternoon after hitting low approx 1-30-2.30pm.Net closing unclear.

On American investment website board we posted the same prediction in different words

" Short Dow in morning which will hit low between 1.30-2.30 and then bounceback in afternoon.

Review: It is clear that though prediction was made using a truncated model, profits would have been made going short in morning (with stop loss trigger) and again if trader went long around 2.30 till end of day

Friday, November 16, 2007

Intra day Prediction- US market Friday Nov 16,2007

Note: a mobile version of this site ( )with live crisp short predictions has been launched since Nov 2 which can be accessed from most types of GPRS, or wi-fi or other internet ready phones. Also now you can make payments on daily basis using mobile payment system. The rates for each intra day and weekly predictions will be varied over time.Watch for more info. call 09911698256 and 09312039121.Also see . An article on " DO people underinvest in spiritual activities" now appears on
US market prediction for nov 16,2007 posted on mobile site

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Review of Intra day Prediction US market Nov 12,2007

We predicted on ( our internet mobile site)  and also detailed predictions on  for nov 12
"Market (dow Jones 30)  likely to see good rise/bounceback  today  after  hitting day's low  between 11-12 movement possible in last 60 minutes of trade"
Review: Dow jones rose after intial correction and fell sharply particulalry in last 60 minutes of trade. However the low of the day ( excluding last 60 minutes correction) came between 10-11 andnot 11-12 noon.
See also weekly prediction for US market on

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Predictions now posted

On our mobile internet site accessible on most internet enabled mobile phones ( also accessible on PCs) the following predictions are likely to be posted. See BizBuzz and Predictions sections on mobile site

1. Will L& T be demerged?-posted
2. will Wipro acquire CapGemini-to be posted in a few minsutes
3. One free intra day prediction for Indian market this week- sometime this week
4. Weekly prediction for US stock market- to be posted today

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Predictions this week

Note: is the new name for . Reviews of predictions will be posted on and . Our email is

On our mobile internet site accessible on most internet enabled mobile phones ( also accessible on PCs) the following predictions are likely to be posted. See BizBuzz and Predictions sections on mobile site

1. Will L& T be demerged?
2. will Wipro acquire CapGemini
3. One free intra day prediction for Indian market this week
4. Weekly prediction for US stock market

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Review of our Muhurat Trading Prediction Nov 9,2007

Note: a mobile version of this site (  and  (earlier known as )with live crisp short predictions has been launched on Nov 2, 2007 which can be accessed from most types of GPRS, or wi-fi or other internet enabled phones.If you are not able to access the mobile site on mobile or PC please report at 09911698256 with the specific problem . An article on " Do people underinvest in spiritual activities" now appears on
For Diwali Trading we predicted in afternoon of Nov 9,2007
"Special Diwali Prediction: India market on Friday Nov 9: Sensex to dip/correct sharply after initial surge or strong opening but will again surge up towards /closing minutes of trading. (Note closing(+ or -) not predicted here)
Review: The market in line with our prediction fell almost 550-600 points after a strong opening but rose nearly 50% ( 150 points) from day's low in the last few minutes of trade. Oveall a hugely profitable prediction
Catch all predictions and Business Buzz tested by Tarot cards on - India's first predictions site for mobile internet users

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Friday, November 09, 2007

Special Muharat Trading Prediction on site

A special prediction for today's Muharat Trading in evening will be posted on our mobile internet site  between now and start of trading.
also see noticeboard section of  the site for any new information.

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Review of Intra day prediction Indian market Nov 6,2007

Note: a mobile version of this site ( )with live crisp short predictions has been launched on Nov 2, 2007 which can be accessed from most types of GPRS, or wi-fi or other internet ready phones.If you are not bale to access the mobile site on mobile or PC please report at 9911698256 with the specific problem . An article on " Do people underinvest in spiritual activities" now appears on
Review: On our mobile site    we predicted on Nov 5 when a 300-400 sensex correction was in progress : "Buy index call options today or on any negative or correction in morning hours  tomorrow( Sensex/Nifty) as market will recover/rise to day's high by late afternoon on Tuesday nov 6.last 60 minutes may see loss of any intra day rise.
As is clear if traders bought yesterday as per recommendation they would have good profits . Selling any time in lateafternoon would have got profits agains. However our prediction missed on timing of peak of the intra dya high which occurred around 12 not late afternoon
PLEASE NOTE TILL DIWALI, PREDICTIONS (if any)  WILL BE POSTED ON CKAL.MOBI AND HENCE FREE.ALL FEES PAID WILL HAVE SERVICE PROVIDED AGAINT IT NEXT WEEK ONWARDS. Also our other site will now be known as  and can be accesed from latter address only.Blog will continue to be functional

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Again profits: Review of Intra day prediction US market Nov 5,2007

Note: a mobile version of this site ( )with live crisp short predictions has been launched which can be accessed from most types of GPRS, or wi-fi or other internet ready phones. . An article on " Do people underinvest in spiritual activities" now appears on
Review of Intra day prediction US markets Nov 5,2007
 Going by our prediction as posted on and much before opening of US markets  a reasonable  amount of profits would have been made, though not maximized due to volatility and hence triggering of stop  losses

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Monday, November 05, 2007

US market prediction for Monday Nov 5,2007

Note: a mobile version of this site ( )with live crisp short predictions has been launched which can be accessed from most types of GPRS, or wi-fi or other internet ready phones. . An article on " DO people underinvest in spiritual activities" now appears on
Intra day prediction for indian market for Tuesday Nov 6 on soon US market today
US Market today Nov 5,2007
Market (dow Jones 30)  likely to see good rise/bounceback  today  after a possible initial correction amidst  continuing volatility

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Saturday, November 03, 2007

Good profit: Review of US stock market prediction Nov 2,3007 : Market Predictions on mobile

internet launched on nov 2,2007 has been launched. It is mobile internet
site carrying crisp stock market predictions and
other non market predictions.

We predicted and based on prediction suggested a strategy
of shorting dow fut in morning if market opened -50 or less with
day's low between 11-12 noon and bounceback in afternoon amidst
volatility. As clear from chart above profits would have been made
by on both the strategies of shorting in morning and buying
between 11-12

Friday, November 02, 2007

US market prediction for Friday Nov 2,2007

note: : Market Predictions on mobile internet now launched

Prediction for US stock market Friday Nov 2,2007 based on Tarot card model
Prediction classified as high risk
" Against the backdrop of negative news flwoing from US economy, we predict/suggest the following
1. Short (sell) on Dow (i.e buy Dow Put options) if Dow opens -50 or better. Day will be volatile with day's low point between 11-12 noon
2. Dow likely to see good rise/recovery from day's low in the afternoon. Hence buy Dow call options with position in (1) hedging (2). Put stop loss in (1) if Dow begins to rise in afternoon : Market Predictions on mobile internet now launched has been launched. It is mobile internet site carrying crisp stock market predictions and much more.

Explore your hobbies and interests. Click here to begin.

Review of Intra day Prediction of US Stock Market Nov 1,2007

Note: a mobile version of this site ( )with live crisp short predictions will be launched in a few hours which can be accessed from most types of GPRS, or wi-fi or other internet ready phones. Also now you can make payments on daily basis using mobile payment system. The rates for each intra day and weekly predictions will be varied over time.Watch for more info. call 09911698256 and 09312039121.Also see . An article on " DO people underinvest in spiritual activities" now appears on
Review of Intra day US market Nov 1,2007 (see original prediction below)
Review: The prediction's main failing was that dow jones failed to rise after intial correction. We expected it to rise/recover  much more than simply remaining flat mos t of the day after intial correction. As predicted, Dow 30 fell further in last 6-70 minutes  of trade. Thus long positions created after initial correction and protected in last 6-70 minutes would have given minor brokerage losses while shorting in morning would have given good profits. Only caterpillar day chart out of three predictions matches with our prediction though all stocks ended in red.

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Intra day prediction of US stock market Nov 1,2007

Note: a mobile version of this site ( )with live crisp short predictions will be launched soon which can be accessed from most types of GPRS, or wi-fi or other internet ready phones. Also now you can make payments on daily basis using mobile payment system. The rates for each intra day and weekly predictions will be varied over time.Watch for more info. call 09911698256 and 09312039121.Also see . An article on " DO people underinvest in spiritual activities" now appears on
Prediction of Intra day behaviou of US stock market today Nov 1,2007
Market likely to  be volatile with rise in afternoon  after a (steep) intra day dip/correction approx between 11.30am -12.30 pm. An intra day  "V or "J" formation in charts of Dow 30 is likely. Market may give up any gains in last 60-70 minutes of trade and hence protect profits on long positions
" Strategy 1: Buy one lot of dow futures in morning on weak or neagtive opening and another lot if market corrects before 1 pm. Intra day high likely to be reached between 2- 3pm
" Strategy 2: Wait for significant correction during the day to buy dow futures
Stratgey 3: Go short (sell) on before 11 am (before any corection) and then use strategy 2
Stocks likely to do well: Caterpillar,IBM,Walmart
Disclaimer: All risks to be borne  by trader/ investor etc. Stock specific predictions carry higher risk. The above prediction does not apply to Nasdaq today

Review of Intra Day Prediction US stock market-Oct 31,2007

Note: a mobile version of this site ( )with live crisp short predictions will be launched soon which can be accessed from most types of GPRS, or wi-fi or other internet ready phones. Also now you can make payments on daily basis using mobile payment system. The rates for each intra day and weekly predictions will be varied over time.Watch for more info. call 09911698256 and 09312039121.Also see . An article on " DO people underinvest in spiritual activities" now appears on

We predicted for US stock market for wednesday Oct 31,2007

"Intra day prediction for dow jones 3o-nasdaq for oct 31,2007" On a day of important Fed decision, it seems that market will see good rise after initial correction or sluggishness. hence buy dow futures /calls in two stages in morning before 11 am and second lot if market corrects before seems that either rate cut will be less than 0.5 points or there will be further bad news hence a great rise/ intra day recovery like sept 17 is unlikely" and on recommended Caterpillar Inc share for the day


The second chart of Dow 30 for oct 31,2007 shows thatUS index rose after initial choppiness. However the correction came not before 1 pm but around 2.30 pm. Buying in morning and holding till afternoon would given good profits. Caterpillar Inc shown in chart 1 was among the major gainers of Dow 30 index

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